International CSR: developing a solid and sustainable CSR policy

I want to formalize my company’s commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) abroad with a policy applicable to my employees, clients and suppliers.

We have never clearly formalized our Corporate Social Responsibility values.

We are developing in markets which are demanding with regard to social and ethical responsibility. It has become necessary for me to provide tangible proof of our CSR engagement.

Our international CSR policy needs to be perfectly adapted to our activity, as well as meet multiple international standards.

  • Who can help me draft a tailor-made CSR policy?
  • What should my international CSR policy include?
  • Should we subscribe to professional associations for access to their CSR standards?

International CSR and anti-corruption expert

Expert's answer

By mapping your CSR risks, our experts can both evaluate the required scope of your CSR policy and advise you, if necessary, to join one or more industry-specific or international associations.

When creating a sustainable international CSR policy, it is vital to ensure it matches perfectly with the company’s real needs and risks.