European customs regulations expert

Didier LE GRAS

Customs engineering department manager

Expert & trainer for customs certification and accreditation

Field of expertiseEuropean (EU) customs regulations

Specialized inCentralized customs management
Customs procedures and accreditation
Customs origin & "made in"
Customs classification
Customs value

ActivitiesAudit, expertise, consulting and training


Geographical areasAll French-speaking countries

ProfileTechnical expert

International customs regulations are at the heart of Global Supply Chain Management

Didier Le Gras was trained by the customs authorities via a partnership with the private sector.

After about 20 years as customs agent in France's biggest port, Le Havre, he became manager of a customs department handling import/export for a wide range of products: Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), petrol products, industrial machines and equipment, chemical products, textile materials and products, and other goods.

At ACTE International, Didier Le Gras has developed an operational customs department for Local Clearance Procedures (LCP), and he managed Full Authorized Economic Operator certification programs as early as 2009.

Armed with this experience and the confidence invested in him by the administration, his audit and consulting assignments have helped ACTE clients obtain key accreditations and certification to optimize their customs costs and secure their international supply chain.

A recognized customs expert for several organizations, Didier Le Gras can explain the most complex customs regulations in a practical context.

Didier Le Gras is a key link in the relation between companies and the customs authorities, able to maintain and respect both parties' interests.

Didier LE GRAS news

Import UE : suspensions et contingents tarifaires autonomes applicables au 01/01/2022


La liste des suspensions et contingents tarifaires autonomes est parue début 2022. Une opportunité pour les importateurs de bénéficier de droits de douane nuls ou réduits.

January 2022

Renseignement Tarifaire Contraignant : délai réduit pour les entreprises OEA


Les entreprises ayant le statut OEA (Opérateur Economique Agrée) vont obtenir un avantage supplémentaire : leurs demandes de Renseignements Tarifaires Contraignants (RTC) seront traitées en priorité.

January 2022

Classement douanier UE : parution de la table de corrélation


La Commission européenne vient de publier une mise à jour de la table de corrélation des nomenclatures douanières à 10 chiffres (codes TARIC).

January 2022

VIDÉO - WEBINAR "Entrepôt sous douane : du just in time au just in case !"

Vidéo webinar - 1h

Suite à la prise de conscience des dépendances industrielles et économiques en période de pandémie mondiale, et aux tensions sur les ressources, matières premières, et transports internationaux post COVID, les supply chain managers font le grand écart !

December 2021

Autoliquidation de la TVA : précisions sur son fonctionnement au 01/01/22


La Direction Générale des Douanes et Droits Indirects (DGDDI) conjointement avec la Direction générale des Finances publiques (DGFIP) apportent des éclaircissements sur le mécanisme d'autoliquidation.

December 2021

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Didier LE GRAS

International customs regulations are at the heart of Global Supply Chain Management

ACTE International helped us to lay out the scheme, to choose the customs nomenclature, provided us with a document flow service, dimensioned the VAT and guided us in choosing the right incoterms, ports and means of transport. logistics flows.