Nos services & solutions

There are 5 results.

CSR questionnaire - Social, Ethical & Environmental Conformity
Guide to answering your clients’ CSR questionnaire
International CSR Consulting
CSR risk mapping (duty of care and extra-financial reporting)
Mapping social, ethical and environmental (SEE) risks for the company in their international activity.
International CSR Consulting
International social audit (CSR)
Audit of social, ethical and environmental conditions on production sites: Europe, Asia, North Africa, Africa and Americas.
International CSR Consulting
PASS' Ethic : profil social pays (RSE)
Synthèse de l’environnement légal et réglementaire social dans les pays de production ou d’approvisionnement.
International CSR Consulting
Preparation of an international CSR code of conduct
Creation and implementation of code of conduct/action plan for the company’s Corporate Social Ethical and Environmental Responsibility (CSEER).
International CSR Consulting