supply chain

Making your world easier

since 1995

Our business approach

An integrated and cross-disciplinary vision of international trade!

Globalization: we live with it every day

International trade experts live with globalization every day...with the challenges, extraordinary opportunities and risks, excesses, and the extreme complexity that implies.

The world offers import/export industrials and traders infinite choice for sourcing, manufacturing sites, assembly areas, distribution countries, etc. but they are all subject, not only to international trade regulations, but also local practices and regulations.

In this complex context, ACTE International is constantly on the lookout and adapting their services to the developments and trends in international trade. With solid technical expertise and strong forward-thinking operational capacity, our global approach to supply chain management is based on a blend of professions, areas of expertise and types of services that are traditionally siloed.

A Global Supply Chain Management company

Experts in cross trading, or triangular trading, ACTE International performs every activity in supply chain management: forwarding and customs agents, specialized supply chain management auditors, expert consultants for import/export international trade, and a professional training center.

Our objective: to manage operations and/or train, assist and support supply chain managers in organizing each key step in the international supply chain and distribution.

Our strengths

  • An excellent capacity to anticipate and react in response to the constant evolution of international practices and regulations.
  • Recognized expertise in the conception of scenarios and the management of international flow throughout the world.
  • Impressive capacity for structuring, organization and planning
  • Efficient operational action at every level of a project, and regardless of the scope of the assignment
  • Strong intellectual agility for integrating the wide ranging contexts in which our clients and their partners operate: sectoral, economic, cultural, social, ethical, etc.
  • Significant facility for vulgarizing issues to alert and train our contacts, and increase their awareness

Training events
Inter-company training sessions

Les techniques du classement douanier Présentiel Voiron & Paris | Distanciel
Organiser et gérer un transport international Présentiel Voiron & Paris | Distanciel
Mécanisme d’Ajustement Carbone aux Frontières (MACF) Présentiel Voiron & Paris | Distanciel

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