Copy of Legal notice

Legal information

Corporate name: ACTE International SAS

Head office: Le Temporis II - ZAC de Champfeuillet - 27, Chemin de Montollier - 38500 Voiron FRANCE

Legal status: Simplified joint stock company with a share capital of €287,100.00

Registration no.: 40218856900048 | intra-community VAT no.: FR82 402 188 569 | Commercial registration no.: Grenoble B 402 188 569

Telephone: 00 33 (0)4 76 67 51 21|

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Exemption from liability

ACTE International has done everything in its power to ensure that all of the information, data, documentation and other documents (reproduction and images) used on this website are accurate and exhaustive.

ACTE International accepts no liability for any errors or omissions. The opinions expressed here are the personal opinions of the authors and are not intended to reflect those of ACTE international.

ACTE International cannot be held liable for complaints or losses of any nature arising directly or indirectly from the use of the information, data, documentation or other documents found on this website.

Texts and images can be printed for private use. Distribution is subject to prior authorization by ACTE International.

Quotations are permitted subject to correct source referencing. Reproduction is permitted subject to correct source referencing.

This does not apply to commercial use, for which no reproduction is permitted, even if the source is referenced.

Please contact us if you have any questions.

Training events

Webinar : Douane et déforestation, le couple durable en 2025 ! Mardi 12 novembre 2024 de 11h00 à 12h00 (FR)
Inter-company training sessions

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